My name is Dirk Blyston and I would like to introduce you to my family and personally thank you for taking the time to look at our web site! Thanks!
This is my family! My wife Wendy and the first new addition to our family, our little girl, Violet Grace Blyston born 10/17/2012! Yes! she does have an amazing head of black hair!! We currently live happily in Capitola.
Well a little plumbing background is that I have been involved with plumbing for over 25 years, on all kinds of plumbing and piping projects ranging from residential to light commercial.
I have been in business locally for 8 years.
I work with some great contractors (that you can find on my friends page) and have been involved with many construction projects around the area.
I believe in doing the job right the first time. I don't believe in using cheap materials and I don't believe in cutting corners. I believe in having integrity on the job and with every project. This means that not only the plumbing you see will be my best but the plumbing that you don't see will be the same.
I take pride in all the work that I do from the small projects to the larger ones and I believe that my work stands out from the rest of the plumbing out there.
It's of utmost importance to me that you are satisfied and happy with my work and want to call me back.
I don't think of my customers as clients, I think of them as friends.
I look forward to talking with you about whatever plumbing issues or ideas you may have! I am here to help you!
Thanks again!